Dashboard Design for Staff and Board to Measure Key Goal Progress
Data2insight designed a dashboard to leverage empirical evidence to better address the needs of people and nature in the Global Challenges, Global Solutions program framework.
The Nature Conservancy (TNC) is a global environmental nonprofit working to create a world where people and nature can thrive. The leadership of the Global Challenges, Global Solutions conservation framework wanted to focus on the Great Bear Rainforest Challenge and the Micronesia Challenge programs. They had a deep desire to clearly understand their priorities and what they wanted to accomplish, how they were doing in achieving their goals, and what could ultimately be learned from the results.
Data2insight designed dashboards to provide a concise and visually compelling way to highlight trends and identify hot spots.
Data2insight partnered with TNC to provide guidance in creating concise and visually compelling dashboard displays of the two programs' priorities. The dashboard was designed to understand trends and identify hot spots. With input from program managers, we assessed the measurement needs for each program. Data2insight provided two sample dashboard designs, one for each program, for the TNC board of directors to consider for use in the performance measurement system.
The dashboard design uses real data to track 5 key program areas and inform TNC staff and board members as well as the public on program impact.
Our team designed dashboard frameworks and created data displays using real data for the key measures identified for each program. The design tracked the organization’s progress against goals set in five (5) key areas: people, ecology, policy, management, and finance.
Veronica Smith, data2insight’s lead executive and equitable scientist, advised the TNC team tasked with the design and build of the performance measurement system about the technical details of building the dashboards.