Measuring the Difference a Film Can Make


Understanding the impact of using a powerful resource for educating the public about humans in research.

The Northwest Association for Biomedical Research (NWABR) premiered the film RARE in June 2012, as part of the inaugural Seattle Science Festival and the 50th anniversary of the Seattle World’s Fair. The film featured a glimpse into the lives of people with Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome (HPS) and illustrated the efforts of the HPS community to attract researchers and study participants to better understand and treat this rare genetic condition. 

The film was co-directed by award-winning filmmaker Dr. Maren Grainger-Monsen, Director of the Program in Bioethics and Film, and Nicole Newnham, filmmaker and writer at the Stanford University Center for Biomedical Ethics.


Data2insight developed and administered a survey to see how film viewers were impacted.

Data2insight surveyed 70+ film viewers using a retrospective pre-test and post-test survey, which asked questions about how the film had informed and impacted them. 


RARE, the film, inspired viewers in meaningful ways.

Findings showed that viewers were more likely to volunteer for a clinical trial after viewing the film. Over half of RARE viewers commented that Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrome patients and their stories touched them. One viewer commented that the film was powerful and put a human face on NIH research. Many viewers were struck by the strength and perseverance of the patients featured in the film and mentioned enjoying the intimate look into their lives.

RARE Film Guide


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