STEM Education and Workforce Development Data Collection and Analysis Tools

The American Evaluation Association’s STEM Topical Interest Group is building a repository of STEM evaluation resources. The repository aims to consolidate new knowledge from STEM evaluation experts in AEA, while also identifying and linking to existing repositories to avoid duplication of effort.

STEM Education Evaluation Tools Repository

The American Evaluation Association's STEM Topical Interest Group is building a repository of STEM evaluation resources.

Our goal is to create a repository that meets the broad spectrum of needs within the STEM evaluation community. Our repository aims to consolidate new knowledge from STEM evaluation experts in AEA, while also identifying and linking to existing repositories to avoid duplication of effort.

You can contribute by submitting and commenting on relevant resources. The resources and comments that you provide will be used to create a repository of practical tools for the STEM evaluation community. We hope this crowd sourced and curated collection of resources will increased access to and awareness of relevant STEM evaluation resources.

All questions in this survey are optional. However, the more information that you connect to each resource, the better we will be able to classify and describe each tool in the final repository.


Evidence Based Leadership & Practical Performance Measurement


STEM Career & Education Resources